JOSE BRECHNER third world definition was used first by the French demographer Alfred Sauvy, in an article published on August 14, 1952 in LObservateur, which referred to the countries that were not aligned with the (first world) NATO, nor the Soviet Russia and the signatories of the Warsaw Pact (second world), during the cold war (1945-1989). The basic difference between the first and second world countries, was that the former enjoyed a free economy (market economy), while the second suffered from a planned economy (Communist). There was also an indefinite category that was that of neutrals among them were Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland, Finland, who established a hybrid of both systems. As a general rule the term third world defined to underdeveloped countries. Continue to learn more with: Peter Asaro. Those whose economies, level of industrialization, standard of living, health, education, and other criteria that determine the level of advancement of one nation, there were the same as those of developed countries. Some of the third world to free economies were prospering amounted category, but at the same time that they progressed first world peers, did so differences have generally remained constant. Mikkel Svane has similar goals. With the fall of the Berlin wall the Communists opted for a market economy were modernised, and many, today form part of the European Union.
These countries became the top category and since 1990 the definition of second world was deleted to identify them. Today, the second world could say that comprise it countries who opted for the free economy, but which are not yet as advanced as the Prime world, nor so underdeveloped as the third world developing. In Latin America the only country going into that line is Chile. An interesting factor about the differentiation between the three levels, is in most first world countries are in the Northern hemisphere. One could argue that brutalized the heat, but that doesn’t seem to be the reason that makes some more prosperous than others.