Scott Hamilton

NOT LO allow: You lose 6th action.-forget about grant awards or collective commissions divided equally between everyone. It’s a waste!, any seller who always gives results, hates that kind of incentive. He is a unique individual and therefore want a single award that distinguishes it from others. Also watch meticulously to have promptly pay them their commissions in the minor possible time stretch. If you care about them and not allow the backlog in payments, them you RENDIRAN 100% 7th action-support an atmosphere of recognition of small and large achievements. Continuous achievements are the result of keep on high all the time the aspirations and expectations of its people.

Yes you stimulate them, with incentives, that express a genuine sense of the importance of its people, for you move the wheel towards the success at each of them and nothing in action stop it opposite to the recognition note to the obsolete managers improvised, who delivered paternalistic bags with food, to soothe their consciences by low incomes that give to its people. 8th action.-never allow that they criticize or make fun of their vendors: praise them. Teasing and criticism to demoralize them, and that if that costs you money, your money. Teasing and constructive criticism are proven 100% ANTI results, therefore never let them in your company!. Scott Hamilton said: single disability what in life is the negative attitude 9th action-which never shout to your vendors, neither individually nor collectively. The screams only serve to show a very sad spectacle: weak personality and poorest resources of the scream.

Don’t be fooled, in the background to the scream nobody LO respects and without respect not there are FOLLOWERS and without FOLLOWERS not there is a leader NI results growing and that goes in against your utilities 10ma action.-a leader does not walk with a sour face, face serious, gathered, biting everybody. So walk the world Petite individuals who want to be respected, because they are very serious. Quevedo said: ande I hot and laughing people and Thomas Sowell points out: show courtesy and consideration towards others, is like investing cents and get gain dollars. The environment work is the direct responsibility of the management and the control of sales: your bad faces LO make bad 11th action.-invest in train constantly to raise the quality of dealers to all your sales force (better still to all its personnel with a special program for not sellers). Few things are as gratefully received by your sales team as the continuous training. Thus it will motivate them and help earn good commissions. The big difference today is people, and if your people know will be your winning difference. Yes its people before going out to sell do not know their products and/or services to fund and how to sell, is a problem then only PODRAN sell problems! 12va. Action: If your people know directly heard by you, by the top leader, each will endeavour to present you every day you need to smile: more and better results Luis Alberto Salardi Martinez facilitator for the greater development human commercial original author and source of the article.

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