SLX Information

We can attach files associated with meetings, phone calls, emails, notes and personal activities, e-mail messages sent through SLX also remain in history that stores such information as it was sent, with links, images, attachments, etc., which are embedded in the mail. For a better management of information we can eliminate manual processes and automate those that are key to any entity of SalesLogix (accounts, contacts, Tickets, etc.), and thus save time in those who, somehow, are routine in which make daily. SalesLogix Web 7.5 also gives us ability to create TimeLines for managing information related to accounts and Tickets in the system, by using this tool we have a graphic representation of a sequence of events associated with such entities in a given period of time, to be passed, present and even the future. Similarly we can create, customize, and integrate a timeline in most of the application areas.We can easily create Mashups that are tools that allow us to use content from other applications to create a new content complete and innovative, and thus easily integrate data with external resources such as applications ERP, Google Maps, Hoover, etc. Viewing information: perhaps more importantly for an end user when purchasing a Software is the way it looks and that is so easy to navigate, if you can go from one side to the other without giving many laps and is displayed the information you need, in this sense the SalesLogix Web 7.5 environment provides all the tools to facilitate the navigation within the system and the way in which is displayed the information through a modern interface with features that allow you to save time.

Users who use a Web client can work so connected or disconnected, i.e., if at some point there is no access to the Internet can continue working so disconnected at SalesLogix without losing information or something like that. The coexistence of clients and Web clients Lan is completely transparent to end users, both can access data at any time no matter the infrastructure in which we work. Due to the potential that has the tool and the conditions posed by the market, where every day the information is more centralized and everything is routed to the Web part, is important to have a system in which we can efficiently manage our business processes and generate added value for customers..

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