Monthly Archives: November, 2015
New World
Advertising Soviet period is a very interesting phenomenon and requires naturally separate study, but it relates to the reflection of the national factor in advertising, I note that it was not national but was supranational, as it reflects government policy in these years, the policy shall be exalted above the nation, culture, and create a […]
Science And Humanity
In order to reinstate man in his true natural environment. The etymology of the particularities of science and science itself must be revised in order to rediscover principles and adapt them to our existence, sincerity is vital to avoid selfishness, separation and seek a new social order. Know and rediscover our principles at all levels […]
Tunguska Meteorite
Of the meteorite has written volumes. Which only explanation for his phenomenon is not offered. The most improbable hypothesis seemed to be science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev, suggesting that over the taiga crashed alien spacecraft. However, precisely this hypothesis was the closest to the truth. Visit Mikkel Svane for more clarity on the issue. Proof […]
Shoot the starry sky can be conventional camera. And Astro began with a 'normal' black and white photography. The angular resolution of the eye near the corner a minute and a photographic plate with a normal lens, with an increase in (Examining with a magnifying glass) 'work' is not worse than the naked eye (the […]
Hot Crescent Nebula
Contemplation of the object ngc 6888, measuring about 25 x 18 light-years is equivalent to look at the past 4,700 years, the past, representing a nebula, which supplies the "fuel" and it stirs up the glow blue star, located in center of the nebula. And not just some blue star, a star – supergiant, with […]