Monthly Archives: March, 2018


An estimated 80% or more our modern pharmaceutical “miracle products”, antibiotics isolated and concentrated synthetic versions of the highly complex are included, Components that are included in the fulvic acid. Studies show that fulvic acid naturally supports a wide range of powerful antibiotics and anti-virals in same way or even better than those preparations which […]

University Nuremberg

5410 euro for the Faculty of civil engineering of Nuremberg, January 15, 2009 – cheque 5410 euro for the engineers: with this sum, the Gauff group supports the engineering construction of the Georg-Simon-ohm University Nuremberg and shows that the large commitment of company founder H. P. Gauff to his former training facility. The donation was […]


3. night of knowledge in Hamburg on November 7 / all events for the first time free / full program in the Internet Hamburg, September 30, 2009 to the Saturday, November 7, 2009, from 17: 00 until 24:00 the 3 Hamburg night of knowledge takes place. Science Senator, Dr Herlind Gundelach presented the extensive programme, […]

Be Different- Study Science

Almost a third of that what Universities offer is in the field of humanities and social sciences, little more than a quarter in the basic sciences and only a third more in engineering, technology and medical sciences (Sebastian, 2001). Brazil the Latin American country with the highest share (1.5%) has the world’s scientific articles, followed […]

International Telecommunication Union Systems

Problem of determining the location of vehicles, other vehicles, valuable cargo, etc. extremely relevant in the world. They allow you to control the routes of vehicles to ensure the safety of vehicles and be searched in case of theft, etc. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Ali Partovi has to say. In the […]

Essential History

Exactly armed of a methodology or a valid theoretical base, we can inquire: what it takes the researcher if to be valid this and not of another theoretical support? Because it selected these and other elements not to analyze? In all the cases the historian works from an ideology and of indirect form, he works […]


Add a description for the item of music, for years and years, has been a very precious treasure in the world for all people, that is socially known and obviously accepted. However, today we are in a globalized world, where issues of communication and which mainly from internet are being harshly object. For this reason, […]

Welding Electrodes

Purpose of the electrode, the electrode it is an important link in the technology of electric arc welding it is intended to supply electric current to the subject of welding. Today there are many types and brands welding electrodes, each with its own narrow specialization. The electrodes must meet the following conditions: constant supply of […]

CTTC Social

It is a basic strategy to subsidize the power to decide process guaranteeing the implementation of action of improvements of the quality of life and the social welfare of the population. In what it says respect to the social matter, to the public politics effective and the programs of government is perceivable to visualize more […]

Informatics Javascritp

Basics of HTML and Web-design are given in the school course of computer science and become a focus of research teachers. In most technical universities and faculties of physics and mathematics courses is 'computer networks' and 'Information technology'. Often, when the scientific papers on these subjects and teachers of teachers face a shortage of available […]