Monthly Archives: September, 2019
Lady Godiva
At the conference number 16 of 29/11/1916 (included in the book The psychoanalytic first 32 conferences for patients of Dr. Georg Groddeck Editorial Paidos 1e edition 1983), this original and early analyst reports on some unconscious fantasies in a way plain and bold. . . even for today. The above writer said, for example, that […]
Licensing System
The building complex of the country has moved from a licensing system for self-regulation. Since the transition to self-regulation was implemented in a short time, and the legislative framework were many shortcomings, the participants construction market in the near future to face with many surprises. Phase of the self-regulatory system in the construction industry in […]
On Mobile Phones In Russia
The history of the emergence of mobile phones in the Russian market comes from the days of 90-s years of last century. To say a bit more accurate, the author of these articles point out that they began to sell in the trade network in the 1995. (Source: Dell). Cell phones were sold in large […]
Is Already At The End Of The 3D-Kinowahn?
Kill the young medium Hollywood with cheap 3D conversions? Since the groundbreaking success of avatar – Aufbruch Pandora is no longer think away 3D in the cinema. Now we report on almost every upcoming movie at least once about the possibility of a 3D-realisation. This affects not only large-scale productions such as Harry Potter […]