Tag Archives: art and science
Natural Sciences
The apparent resume results in such a way in differences of planned experiences of learning, as of not planned or not explained experiences of learning, that compose the latent resume. The latent resume if discloses, in the action, nor always congruente with the express intentions in the theoretical resume. To a large extent of the […]
Federal university of the Recncavo of the Bahia Center of Agrarian, Ambient and Biological Sciences Course: Licenciatura in Biological Sciences Disciplines: Angiosperma morphology and Anatomy – CCAAB 312 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REVISION Structures Secretoras Girlene Saints of Souza* Deyse Silveira ** *Docente of the course of Licenciatura in Biological Sciences of the UFRB. ** Learning of the […]
Enterprise Culture
In Brazil, although the enterprise culture to tend the isolated action on the part of the MPEs, exists examples of accumulations that already demonstrate the potential of if practising one politics of grouping aiming at to reduce the impediments of the market. In Campinas? SP, formed the call technological polar region of Campinas, following the […]