Tag Archives: – education & career
Bonn Rhine
Together instead of against each other – for people with and without handicap from 20 to 23 August an inclusive beach volleyball tournament takes place in the Bonn Rhine floodplains. Play on two fields people with and without disabilities, but not against each other. The event is organized by DUNITAL e.V. from Bonn in cooperation […]
Who Is The Man Beside Me?
How far does our knowledge of human nature? It gives us also an insight into the spiritual life of the people with which we have to do? It is not enough us people usually, when our knowledge about the things around us in their outer shell ends. Finally we are rational beings, what with the […]
Applied Sciences Schmalkalden
New continuing education studies ‘ quality Manager (FH) for production and organizational processes ‘ positive side-effect of the current crisis in the global economy is increasingly occurring customer desire for high-quality products. Not only the price stands for purchase decisions in the foreground, but again the quality of the goods. This in turn is a […]
SRH University Berlin
The long night of the sciences in the SRH Hochschule Berlin on 13th June we will show you our creativity! International European year of creativity, SRH Hochschule Berlin has laced an exciting creative package. Unpacked and presented it is at 17:30 by our President Prof. Dr. Rita Sussmuth. Then plan your using our program personal […]
RDS Power
Procedural marking, installation marking and space marking as the basis of planning, commissioning and maintenance a uniform and systematic marking of power plants and their components is done by the CCP power indicator system. According to the 3 types of identification: Process identification, location marking and space marking is differentiated. A further development to the […]
Joker Will Help Learn To Read
Fundraiser: Bookseller supports Federal Association of literacy and basic education with art calendar reading promotion made easy: together with Joker customers of book consignor have the opportunity to help illiterate in whole Germany. Currently, the bookseller from Augsburg launches a fundraiser with a high-quality art calendar. This was set up specially by to support the […]
German College Sports
Sound combination of economic and training Sciences, as well as specialized legal doctrine from the winter semester of 2012 starts at the German”School of prevention and health management the new course of Bachelor of science in sports economics. With the dual Bachelor’s degree that combines Compact attendance phases, a training and a distance learning course, […]
The Best In Customer Communication Have Been Identified
Winner in the final of the German championship was Sabine Ziegler from the msg services ag Sabine Ziegler from the msg services ag has won the second German championship in customer communication. The skills competition was conducted by the legodo ag with the scientific support of Prof. Ali Partovi has compatible beliefs. Heinrich Holland of […]