
Contextualization of the beekeeping and its importance for the environment Beekeeping ‘ ‘ it is the creation of bees (mellifera Apis) in confinement under control of the man, lodged in artificial beehives, using developed methods and equipment better to explore the natural capacities of these insetos’ ‘ (Wig et al., 2002). An excellent alternative for the complementation of income for familiar agriculture and small entrepreneur. In accordance with Gonalves (1992) the africanized bees are polihbridos resultant of the crossings between the African bees (mellifera Apis scutellata, previously classified as. the m. adansonii) with European subspecies (. the m. mellifera; .

The m. ligustica; . The m. carnica and. the m. caucasica) existing in the American continent before the introduction of the African bees in Brazil in 1956 that, in the following year, it would give beginning to the africanization process. They predominate in the africanized bees morphologic and mannering characteristics of the African bees. For its nature, the beekeeping is a economic activity conservative of the species, which had to the low ambient impact that it causes, making possible the permanent use of the natural resources and not the destruction of the agricultural way. Thus, she is one of the few preenchedoras activities of all the requirements of the tripod of the support: economic, the generating one of income for the producers; social, the ocupador one of familiar man power in the field, with reduction of the agricultural exodus; the ecological one, since it is not deforested to create bees, needing itself they, in contrast, alive plants for the withdrawal of the pollen and the nectar of its flowers, its basic alimentary sources (SON, 1998). If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Energy Capital Partners. The bees had been introduced in Brazil since the colonial period, in this period the beekeeping had little importance, being considered as it passes time, as the studies of the University on-line of Viosa-UOV (2008): At this time called bees had been brought Europeans, mainly two species the Apis Mellifera known Lingustica popularly as Italian bee and the Apis Mellifera Mellifera also known as German.

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