Tag Archives: right

Accumulated Mannering Extracts

' Mannering extracts acumulados' ' Antonio Padilha de Carvalho People exist which we coexist, that they add very to our lives, when effectively we give attention in the text of its you speak, in the value of the considered examples, in rich and interesting dictated the regional ones or not, that they permeiam a gostoso […]

Mixed Martial Arts

In reason of this situation, a restricted scene, the JJB exponent estagna in its soft art for understanding to have depleted the growth options, deciding then to search development in other fights of the MMA, justified in the fact to have chosen the Mixed Martial Arts as half of life (profession), is distinguished in this […]


Later she only is that the child discovers the causalidade relation that binds the action to scribble and the persistence of the trace, and is there that the origin of the grafismo is placed voluntrio’ ‘ (MREDIEU 2006, P. 26). Communicative period of training – (between three and four years) in the last period of […]

Technology and Environment

How the Technology can protect/to destroy the Environment where lives? The power to destroy, the power to create. The power that the current society has to destroy reached a scale without precedents in the history of the humanity. this power is to be used, almost systematically, to cause a destruction insensata in the whole world […]