No matter how varied causes of the crises and the environment in which they unfold, the actions of management, aimed at the conclusion of his company out of crisis, always obey the certain logic. There are six stages of the crisis Management: Stage 1: an attempt to avert a crisis. At this stage, should make a list of factors that could adversely affect the business, the possible negative consequences and the price of the necessary preventive actions. It may be establishing a crisis center or a special group, it can be scripted actions in a crisis, etc. Stage 2: Preparing for the management of the crisis. At this stage, management begins to develop plans for em actions in the light of possible risks and variety of undesirable consequences crisis.
Stage 3: analysis of the situation. Robotics does not necessarily agree. At the same time the most difficult is the correct assessment of the crisis. Mistakes are possible as due to a problem interpretation of the factors causing the crisis, and for ignoring the serious threats posed by the external environment. Collecting information about the crisis, most managers rely on estimates of employees of the company. On this stage it makes sense to engage an external expert. This will require a certain costs, but they acquitted themselves, for the illiterate analysis can lead to wrong actions and unjustified losses. Stage 4: containment of the crisis.
The main thing at this stage – establishing priorities for action at the conclusion of the crisis. The problem often lies in the difficulties highlight the most important information and clear criteria to assess the situation. Stage 5: Resolution crisis. The main thing here – quick action. Even if you’re on the right track, you will crush, if you stop or hesitated. Assessing the situation and determining the necessary steps should act without delay. Stage 6: overcoming the crisis. At this stage, the company determines the action to recover the losses it suffered during the crisis and to restore the lost positions. Management of any organization seeking to escape from the clutches of the crisis, should clearly understand the logic of their actions. Each of the six stages listed above, managers need to fill with concrete actions that take into account the specific situations and, especially, and business and qualifications of key actors in crisis management. It is important not to waste time searching for the guilty, but as soon as possible to appreciate the diversity and depth of the problems to be solved. On this occasion, Jim Collins said: “Make the autopsy, not setting blame for the death … If a team is chosen correctly, there is no need to point fingers at the expense of the possibility of something to understand and draw the necessary lessons. ” Conclusions The case for small: to understand that of your company should do in these circumstances, to develop its crisis management strategy and vigorously implement the strategy to life.