
On this week had a special combination of numbers and the date of which many are sure to impress: Friday 13th. Incidentally, the third time this year. The people this Friday called "black" because it allegedly was going on that day all evil spirits (or, not all, but the one that came up after Halloween). Version than the so-guilty Friday 13th, there are many, but experience shows that in Russia everything terrible prefer to be treated with humor. Whatever the reason, it's a good reason.

To learn how to use this occasion to have fun, see below. 1. Get together with friends at home and arrange a party in the style of "Horror." For this we recommend that all make terrible makeup and dress up as zombies, vampires, witches and other scary-cute creatures. After all will face control, you can turn off the lights, turn on soundtracks from some horror movie together and begin to fear. Sudden screams and touch party members are always welcome. ation. By the way, at the same time we can look to our neighbors – ask a pinch of salt or a bay leaf.

2. You can see a very scary movie, and the larger screen size, the better. Do not forget to make the sound louder (even if the neighbors feel the same festival) and stock up on plenty of paper cups of popcorn. Why? To have something to cover the face while some, particularly touching, episodes. 3. Well, if you are worried about the state of his mind (which may suffer in the process of realization of the above methods), free download the original game "Happy Gravedigger" from "nevoSoft." You become the owner of a small cemetery, will dig the grave, fighting zombies, run from ghosts – and at the same time earn money. Subjects could not be better suited for Friday the 13th, but do not have to be afraid of especially – bright bright colors, three-dimensional objects and a bit of love (not related to necrophilia) does not make you take a sedative.

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