The ritual creates a sacred space and time creates. The scene through its move from their play (play) on stage makes the experience. Through what and who plays a "the actors' movements, imagine the distances and geographical facts, experiences, emotions and life of other times, other places, or maybe your own. We are in an area sagradoa a , his staging is the preparation of an altar. a The space has been converted into place.
The formal definition given in his book in 1912 Grundzuge der Mengenlehre topological space is the basic notion of the basic topology, domain, which depends only on the theory of sets (not built from nothing), a space is a set of points. New Science Space defined architectural space as an infinite entity organized under the laws of mathematics absolute definition of cyberspace: Cyberspace is a domain vulgar term common among cirbernautas, that is, between those who make use of network networks without technical knowledge of it. Cyberspace and the Internet are not the same. Internet is the infrastructure and cyberspace is content. SPACE PLACE life in space is time and space outside the space nothing exists. If you wake up at night screaming And you can not remember what you dream because your subconscious is perhaps looked into space And I began to tremble If you drown in a huge cathedral or you feel lost in a subway platform If you hate too high clouds is because space is hostile to you and you know it.