Create Content New

Do it you are running ideas to create content for your blog?, in a previous post I put in this directory commented on the possibility of articles with rights of private brand as an option to create new content for your blog. But on this occasion I would like to talk to you about another way of creating content for your blog from the comments that leave your visitors in the articles you post. Here you have 3 easy steps to create articles. 1 Collects all related comments together.-a short article should contain 300-500 words of extension, will not take you long time knit together some related comments together, creates a new post with this information and subela to articles directories. 2 Answer the questions that you make.-many comments contain questions that your readers leave after having read your article answers these questions creating a new post, make sure that when you respond to a question give link to new post you created with the response. 3.-Custom items from the comments of others blogs-personally this is my favorite, if your blog does not receive many comments, search most popular blogs of your niche market some will have up to 100 comments. Write a small article in response to the comments that have been left on other blogs and let them know that you’ve written an article responding to their concerns. This will make you different from others that leave comments and will attract you segmented your blog traffic. Greetings original author and source of the article.

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