Administration Libraries

The hand with the inventory reader can be moved quickly through a bookshelf to read the information. It is possible not alone to bring up to date the inventory, but also to identify item that are it are of order or in incorrect places (BOSS, 2007). Long life of the identification. For being occult and acondicionadamente proteges, labels RFID last more than what the bar codes. The necessity of substitution of tags comes with the amount of its use, what they vary in about 100.000 transactions (BOSS, 2007). Incorporation of new item to the quantity with bigger agility (SCHNEIDER, 2003). The reutilizao of label RFID for the libraries, according to Koyle (2005), which had this possibility, the applicability of technology RFID in libraries is better of what in the retail, therefore the item go and come back many times reducing significantly the cost of acquisition of new identifications.

IV. EXAMPLES AND OTHER GOTTEN RESULTS OF APPLICATIONS RFID IN LIBRARIES proliferation of technology RFID and its successful application had attracted the attention of many libraries in the whole world. Which had started to explore solutions RFID in intention to automatize and to speed its diverse activities and to offer new services, between them: the auto-loan and the auto-devolution; more agile inventories; a bigger security against roberies (CHING; TAI, 2009; IT COMES et al, 2007). The first application of this technology was in 1998, Australia, in Singapura, with the objective to test the technology and to verify the possibility of this use in libraries. The RFID system was developed by the National Library of Administration and Logitrack Cingapura Technologie and the acquired components had been of Australia of the South, in the proper Singapura. The carried through tests had gotten good results, however they believed that this technology still was demasiadamente expensive to be viable in libraries (BUTTERWORTH, 1999). In the Europe, the first public library to implant technology RFID was Hoogezand-Sappemeer, in 2001, in Holland, where the users had the option to use or not it technology RFID, as for example: the auto-attendance or the use of Handhelds, to locate books in the shelves.

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