In Brazil, although the enterprise culture to tend the isolated action on the part of the MPEs, exists examples of accumulations that already demonstrate the potential of if practising one politics of grouping aiming at to reduce the impediments of the market. In Campinas? SP, formed the call technological polar region of Campinas, following the model of American the Valley Silicone, using to advantage the technological infrastructure of the region. In 1983 was created the company of Development of the Polar region of High Technology of Campinas? CIATEC, with the objective to establish the linking between university and justinian codes of research with the companies of high technology of the region, and to stimulate the installation of new companies. agglomerated she is composed of basically small average companies of softwares, that they work in its great majority for the external market. In Frank? SP, formed it divided coureiro-caladista industry in three cities: Frank, specialized in masculine footwear; Birigui, specialized in infantile footwear; Ja, specialized in feminine footwear.
Although to have a similar, Frank industrial structure it is the one that to possess greater infrastructure, hosting the Center of Leather Technology and Footwear. The structure of the region is composed of companies of small average transports, specialized in the confection of footwear, with the presence of rendering companies of services, and companies specialized in specific stages of the production, beyond raw material and equipment suppliers. In They are Carlos? SP, formed the call technological polar region of Is Carlos, is formed by micron, small average companies specialized in electronics, mechanics of precision, computer science instrumentation. The region counts on organizations of promotion, institutions of research, and university. The companies present fort interaction with these institutions, and between itself, forming partnerships for the development of products and processes. In the Valley of the Bells? RS, the regions understand the cities of New Hamburg, Are Leopoldo, Sapucaia of the South, Sapiranga, Parob and Taquara.