Information Technology

MANAGEMENT OF the TECHNOLOGY OF INFORMATION JAIR TIAGO the paper of the Internet as tool of the Technology of the Information, and its impacts in the diverse sectors of the economy. Handle – FOOT the paper of the Internet as tool of the Technology of the Information, and its impacts in the diverse sectors of the economy. INTRODUCTION By means of the Internet created a new digital structure for YOU allowing to share information for all the sectors of the companies who depend each time more than it stop continuing efficient and competitive, therefore the communication is more easy, the cost is lesser, and if adapta to any computational platform what if it differentiates of the old nets proprietors who were used. The commercial partners have communicationdirect 24H per day without intermediate and inefficient procedures. In such a way the companies who more early to be adjusted to this tool will go to attract new customers and supplierswith little effort and still they reduce the transaction costs as to pay accounts, to process asked for, to take care of a customer, also she makes possible to the controlling a new form of coordination under the employees, therefore has controlled a bigger number of involved them in different tasks and parts of the world having also usedtools on-line as mobile email, devices for communication, these and other servicestogether with the amount of benefits and new chances they are responsible for ' ' explosion of companies eletrnicas' '. DEVELOPMENT Observing the Internet in a general scope, we can affirm that it in such a way brought benefits for the company as well as for the customers. The asymmetry that existed between the customer and the peddler passed to be reduced, therefore the customers buy cars for web choosing manufacture it and the model for better prices and conditions, this total transformed the Wealth that is the amount of information who a company offers on a product or service and also the one that it collects of the customer, and the reach of the information that is the amount of people that it takes care of and to the amount of products and offered services, this it facilitated the attendance to the customer, reduced operational costs, it expanded products etc.

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