Invisible Star Instruments

The image shows the excited region in the constellation of the Southern Cross, which is visible only because the devices are aimed in such a way as to 'see' in five different ranges of the infrared spectrum. Magnificent opening kinds of clouds of cold gas is located near the surface of the Milky Way, showing a strong unexpected activity. Dark cold area is dotted with star factories, like Space thread studded with pearls. Source: Ali Partovi. Herschel, one of the largest space telescopes located in space, was launched in May. To obtain this image, two instruments were designed to land the plane of the Milky Way, lying at an angle of about 60 from its center. Its area is 16 times the size of the full moon, which is visible in the night sky. Pictures were taken September 3, 2009 during the first trial involving the inclusion of the two instruments, working together. Herschel will continue to study large regions of our galaxy. Images obtained using the spectrophotometric detector signals spire, installed on Hershele (left) and fotorezistornoy matrix camera and spectrometer (PACS).

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