Mobile Game Developers

I definitely think that success has no age, nor place, nor default dates, because it can occur in any place, at any age, at any time and to any person to seek or is in the workplace adapting at the right time. Success is very much like the business, best businesses tend to fill an unmet need, like success, which tends to fill a gap. It is the case of Robert, a boy of 14 years than with your game or application for mobiles called Bubble ball, has surpassed all applications developed by companies and with high costs of development strategy in general, for example a surpassed the famous angrybirds that was perhaps too commented on places as prestigious as techcrunch and others. Robert developed his game that games for your iPod touch not arrived to meet him as the wanted it, then told his friend that they didn’t make it their own games, to what the made case, aided by his mother. In many articles we have already commented that the World of mobile applications has great potential and is becoming easier to develop these applications with specialized programs targeted to non-programmers. If a 14 year old could achieve this commented success, then why not can you do it also? I think that it is not question of genius, but the courage to take the first step, dare to do so, and work to complete what one intends, aided by motivation and taste for what is done.

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