Technologies Information

Altina Magalhes Coast To each minute the medias are disponibilizadas new information in all. The information enclose all the aspects of the life: economic, social, religious, scientific and cultural politician. Constantly these information are brought up to date. The technological advances promote the formation of the society in net, of the globalizada economy, and of the culture of the potentiality, what it favors the reorganization of the dominant social classroom and at the same time less creates a new form of exclusion of the favored classroom, the digital exclusion. It fits to the school to create spaces for the use of the medias, of the technologies of information and knowledge, to provide to the pupil to know this new form of dialogue with the globalizado world, as well as educating it to know to use all the technological resources for the search and the form election criticizes and multicriteria of the information allow that to decide it the problems of the daily one, to understand the world and to act in the transformation of sweats context. computer, the available Internet and other technologies currently make possible the learning environment creation where the pupils can search, to confirm the previous knowledge on some subject, to make anticipations and simulation, to try, to construct and still allow to the socialization of the knowledge with other individuals and communities. The professors have little familiarity with these changes, are still very common doubt, investigations and distrust, however the great majority understands that the advance and the transformations that are occurring in the world are also occurring in the profile of the professor. It is given credit that it is possible to absorb these changes gradually, of balanced form, integrator, criticizes and to the few to insert the technological instruments in pedagogical making, learning with the pupils and the other professors. To start this process of change is possible when the professor to recognize that its abilities do not only scrumble the domain of the content to be worked, but also when to accept the idea of that it needs to evolve the society together with. To continue the change is a process that will happen through readings on the subject, of courses, on the incorporation of new technologies in the classroom, to learn to dominate the TICs, and the use of these and inseriz them in the context of the classroom.

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