The experience you have and the theories of marketing aim to highlight the importance of maintaining permanent contact with your client, but this contact must add value to the existing relationship, each client must be treated in a differential way only what you know as his Adviser and confidant, call or visit without apparent reason will not be well received by the customer. Contacts with the client should add value to their lives, only this will give you the possibility that valued your management and professionalism and have the motivation to request you a new solution of insurance, referring an acquaintance or attend a suggestion as an increase in insured value, an information injunction, a survey of service or other intention you have. Classify your customers will be the first step to establish a programme of contacts with the client, so you can set particular strategies with each group and achieve that personalization your client expects. The criteria for grouping them can be that in your portfolio have the product of cars, or those who have policy of life, or having the SME, or those who are clients of enforcement, etc. For each group you will need to establish a common strategy to communicate and make sense of that contact, remind them of the support numbers, the inclusion of content in the policy of home, the importance of reporting new computers in the company, asking for the termination of a contract or a work, ask for your opinion about the service received are just some ideas to discuss with your clientYou will know it in relation to the proximity and treatment you have with this person. Do all businesses with people who have feelings and appreciate our genuine interest in their well-being and that of their relatives. The next step in this customer contact is suggest or remind that it lacks protection in insurance that you’ve discovered over time or resulted from the analysis of the information that you have collected in the different interviews with this person or the members of your company, and request an interview to expand its reach and benefits.
Ask for a feedback of the service offered, referring to specific topics such as diligence in the delivery of quotes, information sent, interest in their requirements, delivery policies, response to their calls, care provided by your contributors, will be very timely and valuable for your professional growth… Get ready to receive what you come with all serenity and professionalism and whatever it is agradecelo. Takes note, evaluates and reacts. All this interaction with the client will give you the authority to ask for one or a few referrals, under the analogy that if he feels well advised the want that a family member, friend, or colleague will receive the same quality of service and level of advice. I can say with knowledge of the facts that these customer interactions are almost magical results show immediately, give you value to you relation, you get information, leave a concern customer, you get feedback and very likely a prospect enters your list. Finally in this chapter is to determine the importance of you have a repository technology to record this information so that you can take advantage in the future, not to record information that you get inmediatamante can be lost work since memory is fragile and will impede detecting new business opportunities in the immediate future. Many successes.