Last year, the growth of this segment of the world amounted to about 10% compared with 2006. And, apparently, such a growth will occur over the next 3-4 years. In Russia for outsourcing of call-centers are also characterized by a high activity, however, because the domestic market is far from saturation, and other growth here. As in world and in Russia most of the outsourced call-center work in the financial sector – 28%. On the world stage followed by the telecommunications market – 25%, but in Russia the situation is somewhat different, since all the major domestic telecoms have, as a rule, the internal call-centers. It is projected that by 2010 the ratio of outsourcing and internal call-center in the world will change, but growth rates remain the same – 9-10% per year. In a question-answer forum Pete Cashmore was the first to reply.
The role and place of call-center As has been mentioned above, call-center is relevant to today and dynamic tool for doing business. This tool is mainly used for work with clients. However, there is a point of view that call-center only at the stage marketing training interaction. Rationale here is simple: 'All the same, on the phone did not solve. " Call-centers play a significant role not only in the first phase of work with the client, but later, in phases, which can be called 'sales' and 'after sales service'. Of course, one should bear in mind that 'sold' in most cases the services. So, in the belief that the call-center only at the stage of marketing, and then all the same should invite the client into the office, enclosed is a common mistake.