Educational Technologies

PROPOSAL OF A PEDAGOGICAL ACTION WITH USE OF THE TECHNOLOGIES AND MEDIAS IN CLASSROOM. RESPONSIBLE PROFESSOR: ALTINA COAST MAGALHES JUSTIFICATION the scientific transformations and the acceleration of the technological evolution permeiam the society and present new challenges to all the professionals of all the sectors, evidencing the incorporation of the technologies in its practical professionals. This explosion of new technologies brought deep changes on the life of the man after-modern. Among others computer science, the Internet is changing the way of living, thinking and to work of all the workers. In the educational field, the challenges taxes for the sped up considerable technological advance are demanding of the professor changes in its to make pedagogical, however the integral development of the pupil is known that the incorporation of this technology in the day-by-day pertaining to school one has only felt to contribute itself to enrich the education environment, favoring, influencing its social, emotional, critical and creative side, valuing pupil as agent of the educative process. Computer science came to stimulate the construction of knowing, assisting practical the pedagogical one, provoking the disruption of the vertical relation between pupils and professors in the traditional classroom, making the professor to go down of ' ' pedestal' ' , searching a learning more cooperative. ' ' …, each day appears new ways to use the computer, as a resource to enrich and to favor the learning process. This in the sample that is possible to modify the educational paradigm, today centered in aprendizagem.' ' (BRAVE, 1993, p.15). OBJECTIVE To involve the new technologies: computer, Internet and the net of relationship ORKUT, to awake the taste of the pupils for the reading, the written production in order to transform them into readers capable to transform the surrounding reality uniting the content to the TIC? s. DEVELOPMENT This work will have to be developed in 1 Year of Average Ensino.

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